The North Beckley Church of Christ has a goal of being known as a friendly, caring family of God's people. Our chief concern is to make sure that our worship to God is pleasing to Him. We want everything we do to be according to His Biblical teachings.
People are important to us. We attempt to be a source of strength and inspiration to others. We would love to be a part of your life, and for you to be part of ours. If there is a need in your life, we would be delighted to visit with you and attempt to uncover the solution that God can provide. When you do, you will discover a group of people striving to become like Christ who are friendly and welcoming. We strive to teach the Word of God in a way that is relevant to daily life, to support each other in our walk with God, and to be a family unit where God can change lives.
What times are services and what are they like?
Bible study classes for all age groups are held on Sundays and begin at 9:30 a.m., and again Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Concerning our worship services, they are conducted on Sundays and begin at 10:30 a.m. and again at 6:00 p.m. For all of our functions, we consider you an honored guest; where the atmosphere is warm and the people are approachable. You may be asking; “What ‘s expected of me?” Nothing at all! You are welcome to participate, but don't feel obligated to; just observe if that is your choice. So as it relates to how our services are conducted, we offer the following.
You will notice that our worship in song is without instrumental accompaniment. We believe that a cappella congregational singing both enhances our personal involvement in the worship, and conforms to the New Testament example (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). You'll find a songbook in front of you when you sit down in the auditorium. Song leaders will announce the number in the song book when it's time to sing, and we hope that you find the singing to be a meaningful and powerful type of worship to God and that you feel comfortable enough to join in with us.
We recognize the value of prayer and take advantage of every opportunity to do so (I Thessalonians 5:17). We see this as an occasion to proclaim our adoration and praise of God, to offer thanks for his continued blessings upon our lives and that of the congregation. This is also a great opportunity to petition our Heavenly Father on behalf of others, so you may even hear prayers offered for specific needs or people who are struggling with various issues. If you feel that you want to request a prayer, don't hesitate to let someone know or simply fill out a prayer request form and pass it along; we are here for you and your needs.
The Lord's Supper (Communion)
Jesus established the practice of sharing the bread and the cup (I Corinthians 11:23-26) so Christians would remember His death, burial, and resurrection. It serves as a memorial of the supreme sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross for each of our sins; therefore, we follow the example provided to us (Acts 20:7) and celebrate this remembrance each and every Lord's Day. We leave to each person the decision as to whether they participate in the communion service or not.
The Offering
Typically following the Lord's Supper, we will take up a collection as instructed (1 Corinthians 16:1-2) in order to support the efforts of North Beckley here locally, but other ministries we support elsewhere as well. We recognize the many ways we have been blessed in all aspects of life, so this provides our members the opportunity and great privilege to give as we have been prospered. As our guest, you are not expected to make a donation nor will be pressured into doing so. Feel perfectly comfortable passing the collection plate to the next person.
The Sermon
The sermon is the time when the "good news" of God's love and Jesus' redemptive life is proclaimed and applied to our lives today. We seek to adhere to the examples offered in the New Testament (Romans 1:15-16) to share the gospel with all, and hope you will find it to be encouraging and relevant. The sermon will generally last no more than 30 minutes and we feel you'll find it to be uplifting and refreshingly Bible-centered. At the end of the sermon, the speaker will extend an invitation for those who desire to be baptized and become a member of the Church, have a prayer concern, convey an intention to recommit one's life to the Lord, or other spiritual needs. If you feel yourself desiring to respond to this invitation, one of the Elders or other appropriate member will be available to assist with anyone's personal needs. Therefore, we encourage you to do so without fear of being singled out or judged.
Leadership of the Service
Leadership in worship is not limited to those formally recognized as ministers and elders. You will see Christian men from various walks of life taking active roles such as reading Scripture, serving communion, and participating in prayers. We are committed to include all members in our worship in ways that are biblical, orderly and meaningful.
As noted before, we consider you to our honored guest, and desire to get to know you a little bit better. So please stick around for a few minutes after services so that we might have the opportunity to speak with you in an informal manner. Oftentimes we have fellowship meals and similar functions held after services, and would hope that you might take part in them as well. We hope that we will have done our job to make you as comfortable as possible in an unfamiliar place. Thank you for considering a visit to the North Beckley Church of Christ an may God bless you!

Sunday AM
Bible Study - 10:00am
Worship - 11:00am
Sunday PM
Worship - 6:00pm
Assembly & Bible Study - 7:00pm